What is Daze?

Daze is a home for your time. It’s a social calendar with powerful creative tools for scheduling your future and documenting your past with friends. We hope to unlock creativity, foster intimacy, and inspire self reflection by reimagining the format of time.

Why build a social calendar?

With Daze, we hope to restructure life around spending time intentionally with others, in person. We believe that you should have a separate space devoted to the parts of your life that are actually meaningful to you. Our social calendar is designed to be used with friends, or alone, as a way to plan events and vividly capture your time in a way that matches the vibrancy of in-person time. Calendar platforms already exist, like Google Calendar, that are suitable for formal meetings or work-related events, but there should be a digital home that’s purely for fun and creates a separation between work / school and play.

Over time, as you use Daze, you accumulate artifacts of your daily time and can look back on them forever.

How does Daze work?

Events on Daze are broadcast onto a shared, live canvas. You can pull from a rich set of creative tools to make engaging invites and capture what’s happening, both during the event and retroactively. The calendar and event pages within Daze allow you to have creative control over how you represent your time.

Daze is best for groups of friends getting together, intimate dinners, large parties, anything that you would otherwise use a calendar for. There’s also a daily post aspect of Daze, where you can share a representation of your time that day with friends.

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Even More About Daze

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